
Become a Sponsor

The Head Trauma Support Project (HTSP) is looking for sponsors. Would you like to sponsor an evening, a month of activities, a special event, or provide on-site training to our members? HTSP is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. Please email us at to set up a time to discuss different opportunities.

HTSP depends entirely upon the generous support of volunteers and donors. If you have tried to navigate the complicated network of brain injury resources, you know how difficult it is to get financial support for this specialized area of injury.

HTSP is often the only lifeline that families and individuals dealing with brain injury have. Your financial support is critical to the continued existence of this grassroots resource.

You may donate to HTSP through PayPal:


Or you may donate to HTSP by sending a check to:

P.O. Box 215666 Sacramento, CA 95821

Please include your contact information and we’ll send you a receipt for your tax records.

You may also make a contribution to HTSP through the United Way by specifying Head Trauma Support Project as the recipient of your donation.

Please read our October 2022 Letter about Donations to HTSP:


spg sponsor photo 2018